
Bithenergy Attends Icic Baltimore Kick-off Event

Fittingly, during Small Business Week the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) launched their kick-off information event in Baltimore, as they set to offer an Inner-City Capital Connections (ICCC) program for businesses in Baltimore City. The initiative positions inner-city businesses for long-term success through consulting, education and mentorship.

Maryland is the tenth city participating in this series, which is sponsored in part by Kaiser Permanente and the City of Baltimore.

The kick-off informational breakfast was hosted at the Vollmer Center at Clyburn Arboretum by Paul E. Taylor, Mayor’s Office of Small, Minority and Women Businesses, and featured remarks from Mayor Catherine E. Pugh, Kim Horn, Kaiser Permanente, Steve Grossman, ICIC, and representing BITHGROUP, Bithenergy and Robert Wallace was Coretta Bennett.

For more information about the program, or to nominate a business, click here


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