Renewable Energy Systems
Solar Energy Systems
Bithenergy is a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), and we hold certifications in the North American
Bithenergy’s generation services include system project management, design, financing, operations and maintenance (O&M), and systems integration. Bithenergy also provides services in renewable energy financing, construction financing, PPA negotiations and Debt/Equity structures for multi-megawatt utility-scale projects. Bithenergy’s national network of contractors consists of over 50 strategic partnerships, joint ventures and teaming arrangements that encompass a range of scope and services. Bithenergy’s past projects demonstrate our strong financial stability, proven solar technological solutions, effective design and construction practices and established project management talent and methodologies.
Commercial Solar
- Nixon’s Farms
Ground Mount Solar - Ft. Campbell
Ground Mount Solar - Southbridge Massachusetts (3.4MW)
Ground Mount Solar - Orange Massachusetts
Ground Mount Solar - Maynard Massachusetts
Ground Mount Solar - Brookfield Massachusetts
(435 KW)
Landfill Solar - Washington Suburban Sanitation
Corporation Ground Mount Solar - Somerset County Maryland
Ground Mount Solar - Chimes Solar Maryland
Ground Mount Solar - Clarksville Roof
Ground Mount Solar
Nixon’s Farms | 10MW
Ground Mount Solar
Join Bithenergy on this 360 tour of their 10MW solar facility at Nixon Farm in Howard County, Maryland.
This system is 1 of 5 ground mount solar power plants co-located on one site, totaling 10MWs. Bithenergy originated, arranged financing, and negotiated/executed the 20-year PPAs for all five phases. The site is located in Howard County, Maryland and is within the BGE service territory. As the developer, Bithenergy coordinated all site improvements, engineering work and tax assessments with the local government and private entities. The site is accessed via a bridge located immediately off of a major state route, thus careful planning and coordination was essential to the projects’ development.
Ft. Campbell | 5MW
Ground Mount Solar
Bithenergy was awarded a 4.3MWDC (3.5MWAC) Solar Array Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) that completed the installation’s requirement for a 5MW solar array. This 27-year PPA for a 4.3 MW array is phase two of the 6.2MW solar array, the largest in Kentucky. During phase one, the initial 1.9 MW portion of the array was executed through a 10-year Utility Energy Services Contract (UESC) with Pennyrile Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation and a $3 million Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy grant from the State of Kentucky.
Fort Campbell identified 25 acres of land formerly used as a landfill for the PPA solar photovoltaic array project. Bithenergy and its team financed, designed, built and will operate, own and maintain the renewable energy generation facility on the identified land leased from Fort Campbell. Through the PPA, the Army purchased the on-site generated renewable electricity for up to 27 years in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the resulting contract.
This solar project is part of a $7 billion renewable and alternative energy power production initiative for the U.S. Army. The Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) has been designated as the key contractual vehicle to be used to diversify the energy production alternatives for military installations throughout the world.
Somerset County Maryland
Ground Mount Solar
Bithenergy developed a commercial merchant power plant in Somerset County, Maryland. This project consisted of several technologies integrated into one solution, Bithenergy’s Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES). The Somerset County site is a PPA-structured project between several hosts & a local utility company as the financier. This project helped create jobs in Somerset County, which holds some of the highest unemployment rates in MD, at 14%.
Phase #2 is a 20 MW Biomass plant that will use chicken waste & wood chips to produce electricity. This project helped the state of Maryland reach their goal of 15% renewable energy by 2015 and reduced chicken waste pollution.
Chimes Solar Maryland | 700kw
Ground Mount Solar
Bithenergy designed and constructed a 700 kW solar power station on the Chimes International campus in Baltimore, Maryland. Chimes International, a non-profit organization servicing people with disabilities throughout the United States, was seeking to stabilize its energy prices and to enhance its “green” image and strategy. They contracted with Bithenergy to provide a ground mount and rooftop solar power station for their campus. The system combines a solar canopy rooftop system on some of their buildings and a ground mount system using a parking lot. Bithenergy has a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Chimes, with an option to extend to 25 years. The total constructed value of the installation will be $2.9M.
The project consists of four sites and was constructed in four phases:

Bithenergy overcame challenges related to Hurricane Irene, an earthquake and torrential rain throughout September and completed the project on schedule. Along with those environmental obstacles, the team also had to figure out a way to build the ground-mounted system on a hill, which required devising a new approach, called the wave and fan.
Douglas Turnbaugh – Director of Facilities | Chimes International
Clarksville Roof
Ground Mount Solar
The solar tracking system was chosen over conventional solar configurations because it increases the amount of time a panel receives direct sunlight, making the system approximately 20-30% more efficient. In a solar tracking system, the plane of the panels rotates over two axis, producing a superior angle of incidence for the sun’s rays. The rotating panels change position as the sun moves across the sky, maximizing the energy gathered from the light, thus producing more power, and requiring a minimal amount of real estate. Conventional solar panels, while effective, do not provide this type of energy benefit. After the project is complete, the homeowners expect to have a 75% reduction in their energy cost.
Residential Solar
Clarksville Solar & Wind | 3 kW
Bithenergy engineered and installed one of the first solar tracking systems in Howard County. The 3 kW solar tracking system was installed on a property in Clarksville and is part of a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) that consists of solar hot water and a SkyStream wind turbine. The homeowners invested in the HRES system as a means to lessen their dependence on foreign oil, reduce the carbon footprint of their property, cut their energy cost, and to use the system as a training environment for Bithenergy renewable energy technicians and engineers.
Jones Farm | 30kW
Bithenergy engineered and installed a 30kW PV micro grid on a 30 acre farm in Western Maryland to offset residential and production energy costs.
Havilah Children’s Orphanage | 10kW
Bithenergy constructed a ground mount solar system to provide sustainable and consistent power to the Havilah Children’s Orphanage in Arusha Tanzania. In a region of Tanzania where the power grid is unreliable, BithEnergy has been working with a local Tanzanian solar company to construct a 10kW solar farm on the grounds of the orphanage to directly power the homes and technology center for the campus.