
MD Clean Energy Jobs Act Overriding Gov. Hogan’s Veto

The Clean Energy Jobs Act (SB 921/HB 1106), a bill to ensure that Maryland gets 25% of its electricity from renewable energy sources like wind and solar by 2020, up from the current goal of 20% by 2022, passed the General Assembly during the 2016 legislative session.  Unfortunately it was vetoed by Governor Hogan in May.

We are disappointed in the Governor’s decision to veto this widely-supported bill that would have meant cleaner air and thousands of new, family-supporting jobs in Maryland. Luckily, the bill passed the General Assembly with veto-proof margins. We will be back in the 2017 session to override his veto and enact the Clean Energy Jobs Act.  Tell your legislators to stand up for the Clean Energy Jobs Act!

Over half of Maryland’s electricity still comes from carbon-spewing fossil fuels—coal and natural gas. Using polluting energy sources hurts our health, our economy, and our climate. 75% of Marylanders live in areas that received a D or F air quality grade for ozone pollution from the American Lung Association, and the state notoriously has some of the worst ground-level ozone pollution in the eastern U.S. As the state that is the 3rd most vulnerable in America to sea-level rise driven by climate change we need to act now to do our part to combat climate change.

Clean, renewable energy has proven itself to be a powerful driver of economic development in Maryland, including job creation.  More renewable energy will give Maryland cleaner air and water and help protect its residents from the harm of fossil fuel pollution.  Maryland’s General Assembly needs to vote for the Clean Energy Jobs Act this year.

That’s why the Maryland Climate Coalition worked to increase the state’s clean energy standard, called the “Renewable Portfolio Standard,” raising Maryland’ commitment to clean energy like wind and solar to 25% by 2020.

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