
Bithenergy Promotes Stem Careers and Shows Solar Projects

Bithenergy, Inc. hosts students from Western Technology School of Environmental Science (Western Tech) to encourage engineering innovation and sustainable responsibility in high school youth.  The students, led by Bithenergy executives, toured one of the largest solar installations in Baltimore City, located at Chimes. The combination of a 900kW roof mount and ground mount solar engineered, procured, and constructed by Bithenergy, Inc. demonstrates Chimes’ commitment to the community and environment.  The non-profits’ solar installation has been operational since 2011 and has produced over 3.6 million kWh of clean renewable energy. Chime’s President and CEO, Mr. Martin Lampner, demonstrated on the energy data screen located in the lobby, the benefit of incorporating real time energy usage and power generation to reduce costs and increase internal efficiencies.

The STEM focused students also learned about virtual aggregate net metering while visiting a second solar installation, Nixon’s Farm in West Friendship, MD.  Also completed by Bithenergy, the Nixon’s Farm project generates clean renewable solar energy for Chimes and other remote clients.  Nixon’s Farm has the capacity to generate ten megawatts (10MW) of clean power.  Chimes has a power purchase agreement for 2MW on this site, approximately 25 miles away from its operations.

Western Tech students concluded the day with lunch, during an interactive presentation given by Daniel Wallace, Bithenergy’s Director of Technical Sales.  Ms. Roe, AP Environmental Science & Microbiology Teacher at Western Tech commented, “Bithenergy put on the best field trip I have ever been part of.  Not only did you educate my students on renewable energy, but you also inspired them to purse STEM careers.”

A recognized authority on energy matters and energy subsystems, Bithenergy offers intelligent strategies and full implementation services for the development of renewable power generation systems, advanced energy management solutions, energy consulting, and smart grid and energy storage infrastructure build-out.  The company is a certified minority business enterprise (MBE) and conducts business throughout the world.