
Bithenergy Attends the 108th NAACP Convention in Baltimore

BITHGROUP Technologies and Bithenergy are participating and have a booth at the 108th Annual NAACP Convention in Baltimore, Maryland on July 25th. BITHGROUP and Bithenergy Founder and CEO, Robert L. Wallace, is speaking on a panel which explores ways to connect black communities to the renewable industry. The talk is titled: “Bridging the gap, connecting black communities to the green economy.”

BITHGROUP Technologies and Bithenergy are honored to be a part of the NAACP Convention and proudly support their efforts.

The purpose of the annual convention is to establish policies and programs of action for the ensuing year. All actions of the Convention on questions of policy and programs, which are not contrary to the Constitution, shall be binding on the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Officers and all Units, except as hereinafter provided. No resolution for change of policy or program of action shall be in order unless it shall have been favorably voted upon at regular legislative meetings of a Unit in good standing, or has been submitted by the President and CEO. The resolutions for policy or program change must be certified by the President and Secretary of the Unit, and received by the President and CEO in the National Office by May 1st annually. The Convention shall act on all such proposed program or policy changes during its Legislative Sessions.