
Bithenergy Attends Baltimore’s Community Solar Mou Signing

The purpose of the MOU is to allow DOE, Baltimore, and the Maryland Clean Energy Center to work collaboratively to establish Baltimore as a Clean Energy Hub and forge a workforce and community investment partnership with all its attendant clean energy financing options, job creation, jobs skills training, utility costs savings, energy education and awareness, and reduction in environmental impacts benefits.

The outcomes of the MOU will help accelerate the adoption of energy efficiency and solar projects for low and moderate income home owners, business owners (small and large commercial/industrial), local government, non-profit, and faith-based institutions; make solar more accessible to historically underserved communities and prepare the workforce development system to respond to the demand of the solar and energy efficiency industries while creating a more diverse solar workforce, reducing environmental impacts and educating residents about the benefits of solar.

The MOU was attended by Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (Mayor, City of Baltimore), David Foster (Senior Advisor to United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Ernist Moniz), Kathleen Magruder (Executive Director, Maryland Clean Energy Center), and Congressman John Sarbanes.